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Supporting skills development in your industry

Industry stakeholder engagement

Work with us to ensure learners are developing the skills and knowledge your organisation needs

As a global skills organisation, we work to support individuals to develop the skills needed for jobs. To do this, engaging with employers from a wide variety of industries and sectors is vital to ensure our qualifications and training programmes are fit for purpose.

Making sure the employer voice is heard is key to shaping the future of training, from developing new technical qualifications to contributing to qualification validation activities, including level 2 and 3 reformed qualifications and T Levels.

Benefitting employers and their employees

As one of our industry stakeholders, you can get involved in the delivery of high-quality education for future generations.

By aligning with City & Guilds, you can:

  • Give back to your industry
  • Stay up to date with what students are learning
  • Create a pipeline of talent within your business and the wider sector
  • Improve the experience of learners within your organisation and their impact on business goals
  • Ensure the skills being taught fit your business needs

How to support skills development in your industry

There are multiple ways that you can engage with City & Guilds to support skilling, upskilling and reskilling within your industry.

It’s important for us to keep employers at the heart of education at every stage and we are always looking for industry experts to support with the development and validation of our technical qualifications.

The current level 2 and level 3 qualification reforms in England, and the assessments completed as part of T Level technical qualifications (TQs) require the direct involvement of experts from organisations of all sizes.

Validation activity requires your up-to-date industry knowledge to review and validate qualification content and assess the real-world relevance of projects and assignments.

Professionals can apply to work with City & Guilds as Employer Validators for T Levels or reformed qualifications by completing our expression of interest form. Read our FAQs for more information.

To successfully manage the high number of qualifications that City & Guilds are responsible for each year, we are always looking to hire sector experts for our parttime associate roles.

These part-time roles are a great opportunity to use industry knowledge and experience to be part of building the qualifications that develop a talent pool to meet sector needs.

Our Employer Industry Boards (EIB) exist to give employers a voice in skills development. These boards are made up of dedicated, voluntary representatives who provide expert advice and insights. Their guidance helps shape our product strategy, ensuring our qualifications and training programmes are inclusive and effectively support learners as they transition from education to the workforce.

If you would like to be part of one of our EIBs please fill out this .

We currently have EIBs within the following sectors:

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More ways to support skills development in your sector

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Hire an apprentice

Hiring an apprentice allows you to fill a role in your organisation while also supporting the development of the next generation of talent within your industry.

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Become an employer provider

By establishing your organisation as an apprenticeship provider, you can deliver the on the job and off the job training to support individuals either entering your sector or progressing into a new role, ensuring they develop the skills they need to succeed.

Host a T Level placement

All T Level programmes include a mandatory 45-day industry placement which can now be completed with up to two employers. The aim of this extended placement is to help learners to develop the practical and technical skills required for the occupation with the support of an experienced mentor.

If you are an employer in the UK, you can offer an industry placement to a T Level learner.