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Hair and Beauty

Hair and Beauty

Our international Hair and Beauty qualifications

Hair and Beauty is currently one of the most sought-after skillsets around the world. To meet this global demand, we have designed over 15 international Hair and Beauty qualifications across 6 industries.

Our Hair and Beauty qualifications help our learners to start working, gain additional skills or advance to more senior positions, no matter where they learn.

Levels 1 to 3 Hair and Beauty qualifications

Our level 1 to 3 qualifications:

Level 1

  • Introduction to the hair and beauty sector

Levels 2 to 3

  • Hairdressing, including:
    • Women’s hairdressing
    • Barbering
    • Colour technology
    • Styling
  • Beauty therapy, including:
    • Beauty therapy
    • Makeup
    • Spa therapy
    • Nail technology
    • Beauty consultancy
    • Specialist media makeup

Level 4 Hair and Beauty qualifications

Our Level 4 qualifications help experienced workers acquire more advanced, specialised skills and progress into managerial roles. All courses are designed for learners with a sound knowledge of the technical principles acquired through Levels 1-3:

Level 4

  • Higher professional qualifications in technical salon management

Why choose our Hair and Beauty qualifications?

Our long-standing experience as a skills provider to centres, governments, employers and learners means that we understand your specific needs.

Benefits for centres

Our qualifications are globally recognised

Providing City & Guilds qualifications means centres’ course material and assessment processes meet our strict quality benchmarks.   

We offer comprehensive support

Our materials and resources are designed to help centres become more effective and efficient. We provide centres with course and assessment packs to help them focus on what they do best: delivering qualifications.

Learn more about what we offer centres

Assisting governments

We help governments improve national educational standards in Hair and Beauty

We work with governments to embed our qualifications into national curricula. This helps establish uniform skills standards across the world.

We help governments create a skilled workforce, boosting economic growth

Embedding our qualifications into national education systems helps governments to create a highly qualified workforce that benefits people, organisations and local economies.

Learn more about what we offer governments

Benefits for employers

We help employers by creating capable candidates

Employers can secure the skills they need to improve business performance by hiring City & Guilds qualified Hair and Beauty staff.

Our Hair and Beauty candidates will fit your position

City & Guilds Hair and Beauty graduates have been rigorously tested on their knowledge and have skills tailored to specific positions. As our qualifications are internationally recognised, you can also recruit our graduates from abroad, confident that they will be suitable for sector-related vacancies.

Learn more about what we offer employers

Global opportunities for learners

Our Hair and Beauty qualifications are recognised globally

City & Guilds learners can benefit from their qualifications in over 210 countries, and our Hair and Beauty qualifications are widely accepted as the benchmark for workplace excellence.

Our Hair and Beauty qualifications are a path to jobs

Our Hair and Beauty qualifications provide learners with the skills employers need, helping them progress directly into employment or into higher positions at work.  

We have worked with employers, universities and professional bodies to create a job-focused, current, innovative portfolio. Our qualifications are accepted by companies, higher education institutions and governments in many countries, giving our graduates the best chance of success.  

Our Hair and Beauty qualifications can lead to higher educational degrees

We work with colleges and universities to help our Hair and Beauty graduates progress directly into higher education courses.

Why are we different?

Our Hair & Beauty qualifications stand out from the competition for several reasons:

  • Breadth and depth of qualifications
  • Quality assurance
  • Recognition
  • Support materials (including handbooks, logbooks, assessment packs and specialist advice videos) and SmartScreen (available free for international centres)
  • Experience – our qualifications are developed from 130 years of working in different international markets

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Hair and beauty industries covered by our international qualifications

City and Guilds Hair and Beauty courses cover 6 main industries:

  • Hairdressing
  • Barbering
  • Salon management
  • Beauty therapy
  • Spa therapy
  • Nail technology

Our courses include subjects such as hairdressing techniques, beauty therapies, fashion and photographic makeup and quality management.

Online resources

We have some great online resources to support your learning.

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Online teaching and learning that can help improve success rates.
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Learn more about our Hair and Beauty qualifications in our brochure.

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Case studiesour Hair and Beauty successes

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Lazyja Le Roux

South Africa: Awarded Lion Awards International Learner of the Year 2011

Qualification: Level 2 IVQ Diploma in Beauty Consultancy

Centre: National Institute for the Deaf, South Africa

Lazyja completed a City & Guilds Level 2 IVQ Diploma in Beauty Consultancy in 2011.  

During her studies, she impressed her training centre, showing focus and constant desire for new challenges and responsibilities. She now manages the centre's training salon while juggling studies and raising a family. She has also been offered a post as assistant facilitator and assessor at the National Institute for the Deaf (NID).  

Lazja overcame many barriers to achieve her qualifications, including deafness, a long commute to college, juggling work with her studies and learning for her qualifications in English, her third language. She is the first deaf student to receive a City & Guilds Medal for Excellence and was awarded the 2011 Lion Awards International Learner of the Year.

Christina O’Gorman, NID, who nominated her for the Lion Award commented: “Lazyja shows that anything is possible. If you have a dream and challenge yourself, you can succeed.”

Who we work with

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