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Qualifications in literacy, communication, numeracy, Application of Number, and ICT enable learners to progress in work, life and further learning.
This suite of qualifications is based on the refreshed Essential Skills Standards and Curriculum for Literacy and Numeracy in Northern Ireland and is suitable for learners of all ages.
ESOL Skills for Life (4692)
A suite of qualifications designed to support speakers of other languages to develop their English language skills for work, further learning or everyday life. These qualifications are intended for those needing to improve their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills to help them get on at work. This might be to help get on at work, prepare for further study, access public services, or just to function more effectively in an English-speaking environment.
Our maths & English offer document, details the progression routes of Workplace Core Skills for apprenticeships and other work-based learning.
To learn more about our maths and English qualifications, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
0192 420 6790