Technicals in Automotive (4292)

Last Updated: 29 Oct 2024

The following qualification will be closed from 1 August 2020:    
        •    4292-30 601/7382/8 City & Guilds Level 3 Advanced Technical Certificate in the Automotive Industry

The following qualification will be closed from 1 August 2021:     

        •    4292-20 603/0310/4 City & Guilds Level 2 Technical Award in Vehicle Technology

The following qualification will be closed from 1 September 2019:

  • 4292-31    601/7383/X    City & Guilds Level 3 Advanced Technical Extended Diploma in the Automotive Industry (720)

These technical qualifications in Automotive have been developed for learners who want to start a career in the automotive industry and want to gain industrial awareness of the different technical and non technical job roles available and what it is like to work in an independent garage, dealership or large manufacturer.

The Level 2 Technical Award in Vehicle Technology allows learners aged 14-16 to explore the whole automotive industry giving you an introduction not just to the automotive manufacturing sector but the retail motor industry as well.
First teaching of this qualification is September 2017

The Level 2 Technical Certificate in Automotive is a good starting point for learners aged 16 years old or over who are interested in a career working on any type of vehicles such as: cars, motorcycles, trucks, vans or quads. Upon completion learners will be able to make an informed decision about whether they would like to continue to A Levels or into employment by taking up an Apprenticeship in the automotive industry in their job role of choice.
First teaching of this qualification is September 2016

The Level 3 Advanced Technical Certificate and Advanced Technical Extended Diploma in the Automotive Industry are for learners aged 16 years old or over who want to understand the processes a vehicle follows from its design, through manufacturing to its sale and later maintenance and repair until final disposal of the vehicle. Upon completion learners may progress into employment or onto further learning including University or an Apprenticeship.
First teaching of these qualifications is September 2016

• A link to the 2020 Performance Tables - DfE Performance Tables: 
• A link to the UCAS grade calculator - UCAS Tariff calculator: 
• A link to our UCAS tariff tables (hosted on our website). UCAS City & Guilds tariff tables: UCAS tariff tables 

Find out more on

Discover our range of resources and support materials to help you effectively deliver our Technical Qualifications.
These qualifications are aimed at learners aged 14 – 16, 16 – 18 and 19+.

Available to deliver in the following:
  • England
  • Wales – please check for available funding
  • Northern Ireland

Interested in delivering this qualification?

Find out more about how to become an approved City & Guilds centre or fill out our online customer application form

General Information

What Is Involved In Studying This Course?

Learners interested in the Level 2 Technical Award in Vehicle Technology will study both practical and theoretical aspects around the following two mandatory areas:
•Vehicle Technology
•Technical Principles.

Learners interested in the Level 2 Technical Certificate in Automotive will study both practical and theoretical aspects of the automotive industry such as:
• Automotive Health and Safety
• Automotive careers
• Service and inspection
• Automotive electronics
• Automotive business.

Learners interested in the Level 3 Advanced Technical Certificate in the Automotive Industry will study the following six compulsory topics:
• Properties and applications of materials
• Automotive servicing and inspection operations
• Automotive business workshop practices
• Automotive mechanical systems
• Automotive electrical and electronic systems
• Automotive technology and future innovation.

Learners taking the Level 3 Advanced Technical Extended Diploma in the Automotive Industry will in addition study the following compulsory topics:

• Management in the automotive industry
• Vehicle design and manufacturing processes
• Automotive systems, diagnostics and repair
• Science and Maths in automotive industry systems.

For more information, download the qualification handbook from the centre documents section.

What Careers Can This Lead To?
Upon completion of the Level 2 Technical Award in Vehicle Technology learners will be able to progress into a range of qualifications, such as A Levels or Technical Qualifications in engineering and automotive.

The Level 2 Technical Certificate in Automotive will provide the basic training to start an Apprenticeship as a:
• Service Technician on their vehicle of choice (such as: cars, vans, motorcycles, trucks)
• Fast Fit Technician.

Upon completion of the Level 3 Advanced Technical Certificate and Advanced Technical Extended Diploma in the Automotive Industry learners could progress into a career as a Motor Vehicle Technician on their vehicle of choice, either cars, vans, trucks or motorcycles, as part of a team or supervising others in a motor vehicle workshop.

There are also non technical opportunities available in the industry such as Sales Advisors or Vehicle Parts Operators.

In addition, learners could progress into higher education for further learning.
What Is Involved With Delivering This Course?
To deliver these qualifications, centres/colleges will need to provide their learners with a suitable learning environment and the resources they need to complete the practical and theoretical aspects of the qualification.

To find all the resource requirements, download the qualification handbook from the centre documents section.

Level 2

Level 2 Technical Certificate in Automotive (4292-21)
Last Registration Date: 31 Dec 2023

Level 2 Technical Certificate in Automotive

  • Accreditation No: 601/4528/6 This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: Technical This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: Data unavailable Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: 360 - 360 This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: 600 The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: 5 This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 31/12/2025 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: TBC, please speak to your Account Manager for further information Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.

Here you can find all documents related to this suite of qualifications.

By clicking on the section headings below, you can access a variety of documents such as the qualification handbooks and assessment materials, Statements of Purpose, and recognition letters from industry and employers.

Some documents may be password protected. Passwords can be retrieved by logging in to  and visiting the Administration section of the relevant qualification catalogue page.

Interested in delivering this qualification?

Find out more about how to become an approved City & Guilds centre or fill out our online customer application form

Level 2

Assessment materials