Machining Technician (9273)

Last Updated: 09 May 2024

Product code 9273

The Level 3 9273 Machining Technician apprenticeship is designed for apprentices looking for a career in Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering.  Machining Technicians Apprentices will show excellent skills and understanding within their chosen area as well as behaviours to deliver strong product and service competence.  

9273 assesses Machining Technician against apprenticeship standard ST1305 version 1.4

Our resources for our Machining Technician Apprenticeship will give you the guidance you need to support apprentices through their on-programme learning, build their confidence and competence to ensure a quality learning experience in preparation for End Point Assessment (EPA).  

Our EPA currently focuses on Lathe and Milling machine both CNC and conventional. If you are looking to register an apprentice on EDM, Grinding or gear cutting please contact our technical advisor to discuss EPA details.

Kimberley Raw – Kimberley.raw@cityandguilds.com

Our high-quality, rigorous EPA can be delivered at a convenient time for your apprentice.  As part of our EPA service we provide a suite of guidance documents and preparation tools to get your apprentices ready for EPA.


On-Program product code: 1273-03

City & Guilds have developed this Level 3 Machining technician qualification to align to the standard and this will form part of our EPA service gateway checks.

End-point assessment

EPA product code: 9273-12

As one of the most experienced EPAOs in England, we pride ourselves on our excellent customer service.  Our EPA team is on hand to support you every step of the way, guiding you through gateway and ensuring your apprentice has all the tools they need to prepare for the assessment.   Our assessment and grading is standardised and all our assessors have industry experience and receive on-going training, so you can trust that we will deliver a fair and robust assessment.

Our EPA currently focuses on Lathe and Milling machine both CNC and conventional. If you are looking to register an apprentice on EDM, Grinding or gear cutting please contact our technical advisor to discuss EPA details.

Assessment events for this standard are:  
  • Online knowledge test
  • Practical observation 
  • Professional interview 
For further guidance, please refer to our handbooks and end-point assessment pack. The handbook provides more detail behind the knowledge, skills and behaviours in the standard and the range of content within the standard. The end-point assessment pack includes detailed guidance on grading criteria for the EPA and the evidence you’ll need to produce for knowledge, skills and behaviours at gateway.  You’ll find these in the documents section above.   

EPA Pro: A market leading EPA booking system to successfully manage your apprentices’ full journey with end-point assessment.  Find out more here.

EPA Support: City & Guilds have extensive support for you and your apprentices with our technical advisors on hand to navigate you through the on-programme and provide hints and tips for successful end-point assessment.

Experienced IEPAs: We have highly skilled and experienced Assessors who will do their utmost to ensure you have meaningful and enjoyable EPA.

EPA preparation and gateway guidance for this standard: Upon registration for EPA, you will have access to a range of support material for Maintenance Operations Engineering Technician to help prepare for end-point assessment.

EPA exemplar materials: available for tutors, providing real assessment examples for each assessment type, such as transcripts and model answers.  This will help you to prepare apprentices and ensure they feel ready for assessment.  

Sample knowledge test: A sample of the EPA assessment paper to use with apprentices for formative or mock papers.  The pack includes the paper, the mark scheme and a mark sheet. 

Recording forms: supporting you to complete key stages of EPA readiness, we have prepared forms to give you peace of mind and confidence that everything is covered.  These packs include a gateway declaration form that is needed during the booking process and assessment forms, if required, that apprentices might need during assessment. 

LIEPA reports: Our lead independent end assessors (LIEPAs) produce an annual report with insight into the EPA results and findings across all centres.  These reports can help you refine your apprenticeship delivery to improve success rates.  

Apprenticeship certification: As well as receiving their Institute for Apprenticeships Technical Education (IfATE) apprenticeship certificate, the apprentice will receive a City & Guilds statement of achievement for end-point assessment.

We are issuing digital credential to learners who have completed this qualification. Please add your learners’ email address during registration. A digital credential cannot be issued without the learner’s email address

How to register

If you’re an existing City & Guilds centre or interested in becoming a centre, make sure you’ve read our EPA manual and guidance. This will explain the process and all our terms and conditions. Our short ‘how-to’ guides and videos are a great start to help you get to grips with what to expect and how to stay on track when booking EPA and preparing apprentices for assessment.  You’ll find these resources in our EPA document library.

To use our quality-assured on-programme materials or end-point assessment service there are three ways to either find out more or to order what you need: 
  1. If you’re an existing City & Guilds customer, go to Walled Garden and select the materials you need or register your apprentice for end-point assessment. (You may need to submit a request to deliver if you don’t yet have approval for that standard.) 
  2. Get in touch with directsales@cityandguilds.com. Our Direct Sales Team can explain our different products and services and start getting you set up as a customer or give existing customers support on the new apprenticeship arrangements. 
  3. Speak to your City & Guilds Business Manager about how to access our products or how to register your apprentices with us.

Here you can find all documents related to this suite of apprenticeship.

By clicking on the section headings below, you can access a variety of documents such as the qualification handbooks and assessment materials, Statements of Purpose, and recognition letters from industry and employers.

Some documents may be password protected. Passwords can be retrieved by logging in to WalledGarden.com and visiting the Administration section of the relevant qualification catalogue page.

Interested in delivering this apprenticeship?

Find out more about how to become an approved City & Guilds centre or fill out our online customer application form

End-point assessment