Plumbing and Domestic Heating (9189)

Last Updated: 28 Aug 2024

Product code 9189

9189-04/05/06/07 On Programme - Live.
9189-24/25/26/27 EPA Registrations - Open.
EPA Bookings and first assessments -

From September 2024 new learners can register on the new 9289 Plumbing and Domestic Heating qualification.

This apprenticeship is designed by key employers in the Plumbing and Domestic Heating industry and is one of the 'trailblazer apprenticeships'.  It provides the knowledge and skills and core behaviours on all aspects of plumbing and heating systems and includes an end-test at the end of the apprenticeship which includes both a multi choice test, design project, practical installation test (Underpinning skills assessment) and practical application test (Applied skills assessment).

This qualification is aimed at new technicians entering the Plumbing and Domestic Heating industry who wish to be trained in the skills and knowledge associated with plumbing and heating systems. This includes accurate measuring, marking, cutting, bending and jointing metallic and non-metallic pipework. Appliances and equipment can include gas, oil and solid fuel boilers as well as pumps, heat emitters, bathroom furniture or controls as part of a cold water, hot water, and central heating or above ground drainage and rainwater systems. Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technicians are at the forefront of installing new and exciting environmental technologies like heat pumps, solar thermal systems, biomass boilers and water recycling systems.

Available to deliver in the following:  

  • England    

Apprenticeship available in England only, qualification can be taken as standalone qualification.

Please note: 9189-03 and 9189-93 are no longer available for new registrations. Centres will need to register any new learners on the following 9189 complexes.  We have now split each pathway into a separate complex. 

The new pathways are

On Programme Routes
9189-04 Environmental
9189-05 Natural Gas
9189-06 Solid Fuel
9189-07 Oil 

EPA Routes
9189-24 Environmental
9189-25 Natural Gas
9189-26 Solid Fuel
9189-27 Oil

Unit Routes
9189-94 Environmental Technologies
9189-95 Natural Gas
9189-96 Solid Fuel
9189-97 Oil


On completion of the Level 3 Plumbing and Domestic Heating diploma.
You will learn on the job in the work environment, or in the classroom with realistic situations and appliances.

You will be assessed in a number of ways – including knowledge questions, RWE practical, a portfolio of evidence and observation.

In addition to the core skills and knowledge requirements. Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technicians must choose to undertake one of the following specialisms: 

  • Fossil Fuel – Natural Gas 
  • Fossil Fuel – Oil  
  • Fossil Fuel -  Solid Fuel  
  • Environmental Technologies


End-point assessment

Multiple Choice Test
This is made of 50 questions, multiple choice, centrally set and marked. The knowledge areas will be selected from an assessment bank that covers the full knowledge range. This examination will have a maximum time of 90 minutes. 

Design Project
This is held at an assessment centre. Building plans are provided to the apprentice with a job specification manufacturer’s information and data, British Standards and regulations. The apprentice is asked to complete a heating, hot water and cold water design capable of meeting the job specification. Duration 7 hours

Practical Installation test - (Underpinning skills assessment)
Apprentices complete the fabrication of a pipework frame, utilising different materials and pipework components with various jointing techniques. This assessment should be completed within 6 hours.

Practical Application test - (Applied skills assessment)
The apprentice will inspect a pre-installed unvented cylinder, functioning with electrical components and controls. The assessor will create faults on various components within the system. The apprentice is given 2 hours to identify the faults, repair them and then re-commission the system. The apprentice will complete a service according to manufacturer’s instructions, this will be undertaken within 1 hour.

Professional discussion
Optional pathways and behaviours will be assessed through the Professional Discussion and supported by the production of a work place logbook completed by the apprentice during the end point of the assessment period. 

The portfolio provides the opportunity to demonstrate skills, knowledge and behaviours for the core and specific requirements of the standard.

In achieving a pass or distinction in this apprenticeship, the apprentice will be eligible to apply for Engineering Technician registration with a relevant Professional Body such as Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) and Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE).


How to register

Interested in using our high-quality on-programme materials or end-point assessment service? There are three ways to either find out more or to order what you need:

  1. If you’re an existing City & Guilds customer, go to Walled Garden and select the materials you need or register your apprentice for end-point assessment. (You may need to submit a request to deliver a standard if you don’t yet have approval for that.) 
  2. Get in touch with directsales@cityandguilds.com. Our Direct Sales Team can explain our different products and services and start getting you set up as a customer or give existing customers support on the new apprenticeship arrangements.
  3. Speak to your City & Guilds Business Manager about how to access our products or how to register your apprentices with us.

Here you can find all documents related to this suite of apprenticeship.

By clicking on the section headings below, you can access a variety of documents such as the qualification handbooks and assessment materials, Statements of Purpose, and recognition letters from industry and employers.

Some documents may be password protected. Passwords can be retrieved by logging in to WalledGarden.com and visiting the Administration section of the relevant qualification catalogue page.

Interested in delivering this apprenticeship?

Find out more about how to become an approved City & Guilds centre or fill out our online customer application form
