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Deliver additional documents

Deliver additional qualifications

Adding new qualifications to your centre’s portfolio

To add new qualifications to your centre’s portfolio, you will need to follow a similar 5-step application process to the one you undertook to become a centre. However, you only need to apply for qualification approval.

Our Business Development and Quality Assurance teams will help you with the application process.

The 5-step application process

    You can find a description of our detailed approval procedure in the
    City & Guilds Guide for Centres document

    Step 1: Preparation and pre-approval advice 

    Please note: you must be an established City & Guilds centre to offer additional qualifications at your premises.

    Please get in touch with the Business Development team of the City & Guilds office in your country or region to discuss adding qualifications to your portfolio. Our team will advise you on whether the qualifications in question are available and suitable for your market.

    In order to offer new qualifications, you will need to comply with the requirements listed in the City & Guilds International Centre Guide.

    Step 2: Submission of application

    The next step is the submission of your application:

    1. Complete your form(s) – please complete an Application for Qualification Approval (QAP) form for the additional qualifications you would like to offer.  Please also provide the required supporting documentation.
    2. Authorise your form(s) – your application(s) must be authorised by a person with authority to make business and financial decisions in your centre.
    3. Submit your form(s) – send your form(s) and supporting documents by email to the City & Guilds office in your country or region.

    Step 3: Pre-approval checks and External Verifier visit

    After receiving your application, our Quality Assurance (QA) team will check your submitted documents and send you an acknowledgement receipt by email, or may contact you for further information required. Once the application is in order, the QA team will then arrange for an External Verifier to either visit you, or conduct a desk-based approval, which involves checking your premises and procedures to make sure your centre is able to offer the additional qualifications.

    Step 4: Approval decision

    During the approval process, the External Verifier will discuss their findings and recommendations with you. If you need to make changes in order to offer the additional qualifications, the External Verifier will create an action plan and agree a timeframe with you to implement the changes.

    Step 5: Confirmation of approval

    Once our Quality Assurance team has established that you meet all of our conditions for approval, we will notify you by email that we officially approve your request to offer additional City & Guilds qualifications at your centre.

    What happens after we approve your application?

    Once approved, your centre will be authorised to market and run the additional qualification(s) and recruit learners.


    Learn more about our qualifications

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    Find out how you can deliver our qualifications in your country
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    Contact our office in your country to learn how City & Guilds can help you
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