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Technical Qualifications FAQs

Technical Qualifications Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the answers to some of the most frequent questions we’ve been asked about City & Guilds Technical Qualifications.


Can a student be re-registered for a Technical Qualification if they fail the qualification?

Yes, if a student fails all assessment components of a Technical Qualification. They will need to be re-registered onto the qualification however funding is not guaranteed.

Can a student be registered for a Level 2 Technical Certificate if they have not yet completed secondary education? 

Level 2 Technical Certificates have been designed for post 16 learners. The primary purpose for Technical Certificates is for learners wanting to study a specific qualification in a sector, which allows progression on a Tech level or an apprenticeship or entry into the world of work.

What are City & Guilds Technical Qualifications?

Our Technical Qualifications for 14-19 year olds deliver up-to-date and relevant skills in a specific industry sector.

Our Technical Qualifications have been designed for progression; supporting learners onto the next step, whether that’s to university, onto an apprenticeship or straight into a job.

They can be combined with City & Guilds Workplace Skills. Alternatively, they can be delivered as stand-alone qualifications or alongside GCSEs or A Levels.

What is a City & Guilds Technical Qualification equivalent to?

Our Technical Qualifications are comparable to academic alternatives in terms of rigour and quality.

  • Key Stage 4 (13-16) Level 2 Technical Award is equivalent in size to one GCSE.
  • Key Stage 5 (16-19) Level 3 Technical Qualifications vary in size, but are typically much larger than an A Level. At Level 3, they carry UCAS points.
  • Key Stage 5 Level 2 Technical Certificates are 360 or 450 GLH. These qualifications will be reported in the new headline measures from 2017.

What certification does a learner get?

Successful learners will receive an overarching Technical Qualification certificate outlining the qualification grade(s) and a certificate of unit credit outlining the units/modules achieved and their grades.

Is there a minimum or maximum guided learning hours (GLH) for the Employer Involvement element?

The Key stage 5 level 2 and level 3 Technical Qualifications have an Employer Involvement element. There are no GLH relating to Employer Involvement requirements. For more information please see link to our Employer Involvement Centre Guide. There is no requirement for Employer Involvement for our Key stage 4 Technical Awards.

How can we identify a Technical Qualification by its title?  

Technical Qualifications will always have a title that contains either 'Technical Award', 'Technical Certificate' or 'Technical Diploma'.

Are Learner Journals available for Technical Qualifications?

Learner Journals have been produced by publishing, for some but not all Technicals. They are listed on Walled Garden if available.

What is the difference between a Technical Qualification and an Applied General?

Technical Qualifications – level 3 qualifications that equip post-16 students with the knowledge and skills they need for skilled employment or
for further technical study.
Applied General Qualifications – level 3 qualifications for post-16 students who wish to continue their education through applied learning.

How do I request for a lost certificate?

You need to ask your centre to do this for you.
If your replacement certificate request is within one calendar month since the date your certificate was issued, please contact your centre and they will request the replacement.
If it is more than one calendar month since the date your certificate was issued, please use our replacement certificate service. There is a fee for this service.
Please visit the replace and amend certificates webpage for more information.

I am unable to contact my centre or college, how do I request for my results and certificate?

You must first raise the matter with your course provider/centre using their formal complaints/appeals procedures. If after doing this, you are still not getting a response, you can follow up with City & Guilds complaints procedure, by emailing feedbackandcomplaints@cityandguilds.com or by contacting City & Guilds learner support team on the below details:

T: 0192 4930 801
E: learnersupport@cityandguilds.com
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 08.00h-18.00h
*Calls to our 0844 numbers cost seven pence per minute plus your telephone company’s access charge.


Bookings and assessment

If candidates fail the exam, do they have to re-take the full qualification or just the exam?

Please be reminded that DfE and Ofqual have confirmed that for external assessments, learners will be permitted two resit opportunities for VTQs. This applies to 16-18 performance table qualifications approved for 2022, 2023 and 2024 tables (for Applied Generals, Tech Levels and Technical Certificates) and for 2022 and 2023 Technical Awards.

If they fail all their permitted sittings there will be a fail for the qualification as a whole, and will need to re-register the following year if they wish to attempt the qualification again. If they re-register, they will need to achieve all the assessments again - no prior achievement will be recognised.

If you have any further questions please contact our Technicals Quality team on 0300 303 5352 or email technical.quality@cityandguilds.com.

Do we pay for the exam re-sit?

Yes, we will charge a fee for each exam re-sit. This applies to both the e-volve and paper tests, and includes sittings of the on-demand tests in Land.

Can a centre book a candidate in for both exam dates?

Yes, there is no reason for a centre not to book a candidate in for both exams (i.e. for both the spring and summer exams), if they are concerned that the candidate may require a re-sit.
Please note, re-sit fees will apply.

If a candidate sits and passes the spring exam, can they re-sit on the summer exam?

Yes. Candidates can re-take exams to improve grades, but note that re-take fees apply. 

Will a candidate find out their results from the spring exam before the summer exam date? 

Yes, candidates will get results from the spring examination at the start of summer. This leaves enough time to make bookings for the summer re-sit if required.
The dates for this are in the Welcome Pack on the City & Guilds website.

Is there an option to choose between a paper-based or online exam for all City & Guilds Technical Qualifications?

Almost all Technical Qualifications offer both paper and online testing options. The only exceptions are qualifications with exams that require candidates to perform activities such as detailed drawing that we cannot yet satisfactorily recreate in our online testing platform. Check the Walled Garden or exams timetable to see your options.

Are tutors allowed to see the exams after all learners have completed them?

Yes. Exams and mark schemes will be published to the City & Guilds website after the exams have been marked and awarded and results have been released. However, once there are two past papers and one sample paper for each Qualification, no further past papers will be published.

Can tutors retain any spare exam papers?

All spare papers and exam papers should be returned to City & Guilds no more than 24 hours after the date of the exam.

Can tutors photocopy and retain a copy of the paper-based exam?

 No, this is not permitted. 

Will past papers be made available as samples in the future?

Yes, past papers will be released onto the website, with mark schemes, after results have been released for the relevant exam.

Where we have both a sample and at least two past papers for each theory exam, we will no longer publish past papers.

Will online mock tests be available so learners can get a feel for what it will be like to take the assessment online?

We currently only provide sample papers in PDF format through our website. Our e-volve platform includes a non-subject specific acclimatisation test at the start of each exam, to allow candidates to familiarise themselves with the way our online tests work.

Is there any guidance on using extra paper for further evidence? Can they use the format supplied by JCQ?

In line with JCQ requirements, if any additional answer sheets are used, the learner will need to indicate how many additional pages have been used. The additional pages must then be stapled to the back of the exam paper, clearly labelling them with the candidate’s name, candidate number and centre name in BLOCK CAPITALS.

I have a learner with particular needs who requires additional time to complete their exam. How do I apply for this and what is the deadline on when the application needs to be done?

To add extra time to a candidate’s exam, you must apply for this prior to booking in the exam. Extra time cannot be added after the test is booked. To apply for permission for extra time, you need to book this through Walled Garden, which will give you an instant response.

For e-volve exams only, you need to add on the extra time when scheduling the test. If you need more than 25% extra time, City & Guilds will need to schedule the test for you. 

For more information on extra time or other access arrangements, please call 0207 294 2772 or email policy@cityandguilds.com

How do I order enlarged question papers?

Please email policy@cityandguilds.com to request any modified question papers, including enlarged and Braille papers. This should be done at least three months before the exam. The candidate must be entered for the paper-based version of the exam.

When will our technical students receive their results for all components and the overall qualification grade?

See the Welcome Pack and Delivery Checklist for a timeline of activities including dates for results (spring series, summer series and qualification results).

How do we request for post-results services for City and Guilds Technical Qualifications? 

Contact the City & Guilds Policy Team on the below:
E: policy@cityandguilds.com
T: 020 7294 2772

When will our students receive their qualification certificates?

Three to five days after the full qualification results are visible on the Walled Garden.

Will our centre be charged for a lost certificate?

If requested within one calendar month from the date of the certificate issue, we will replace the certificate at no charge. Over one month from the date of issue, there is a fee for this service, which will be charged to your centre account.

How do we make changes to a student’s name that is spelt wrongly?

Contact customersupport@cityandguilds.com who will be able to assist you. Please make sure to include in your email - the students' full name and student ID number.

Should I book my candidates for both exam windows or will I be able book if they have not met the required marks/achieved on the first exam?

You should only book for one exam window. If a candidate fails an exam component then you can book a re-sit in the next exam window.


Is Employer Involvement required?

At Key Stage 5, Level 3, it is a DfE requirement that Employer Involvement is included in the design and delivery/assessment of the qualification.
More information can be found in our Employer Involvement Centre Guidance.

How do I submit an Employer Involvement plan?

Employer Involvement evidence and outcomes for learners will be submitted for quality assurance by the moderator through the Moderation Portal.

What happens if centres miss the submission deadlines for results and evidence?

If the deadline for the submission of learners’ marks and evidence is missed, City & Guilds cannot guarantee that the final grades will be issued to centres by the published dates. If a centre has any concern about meeting submission dates they need to contact the Moderation Support team.

Does the candidate or centre find the employer?

The centre is responsible for arranging all Employer Involvement activities.

Key Stage 4

For all questions relating to KS4, please view this document.


What is moderation?

Moderation is a quality assurance process where City & Guilds review centre marking of the synoptic practical assessments to ensure that it is consistent and meets agreed standards. It is carried out by moderators, who are trained to a national standard of marking. These moderators re-mark a sample of assessments from each centre. Their marks act as a benchmark to inform City & Guilds and centres whether the marking is in line with the national standard.
Detailed information can be found in the Technical Qualifications Marking and Moderation Centre Guide

How does the moderation process work?

Once the practical synoptic assessment has been marked by the centre, the centre will submit the marks and a sample of work to the Moderation Portal. This sample is checked then re-marked by the moderator. There are three possibilities:
  • If the centre’s marks for the sample are within tolerance of the moderator’s marks, then the marks for all the learners at the centre are accepted.
  • If the centre’s marking is more severe or lenient, the marks are adjusted to align them with the national standard.
  • If the centre does not match the national standard, but there is not a clear, fair adjustment that can be made, a re-mark of the whole sample may be required.

Once moderation is completed, the boundary marks for Pass, Merit and Distinction are set through the awarding process.

When will the moderator make contact with my centre?

First, the Moderation Support team will contact the centre to determine some key information about the centre’s delivery of the synoptic practical assessment. Then, the moderator can be allocated to the centre.

Moderator details will be provided to the centre by the Moderation Support team.

Once the allocation is confirmed the moderator will contact the centre to arrange next steps, for example a centre visit.
See here for our document on moderation visits.

When does moderation take place?

Moderation takes place after the deadline for the submission of marks and evidence to City & Guilds. The precise timescales for submission of marks and evidence for the synoptic assessments, as well as the examination dates, are detailed in the Exams Timetable.

What is the size of the sample re-marked by the moderator?

The sample size will depend on the number of learners at the centre. With small cohorts, the moderator may review the marks and evidence for all the learners; for larger groups it will be between 10 and 20 candidates. For more information, please see the Technical Qualifications Marking and Moderation Centre Guide.

How will the marks and assessment evidence be sent to the moderator?

The learner evidence will be prepared and gathered by the learners and tutors and then marked within the centre. The marks and a sample of evidence is then submitted to City & Guilds digitally via the Moderation Portal. If centres are unable to submit work digitally, they must contact City & Guilds to discuss alternative options. For more information, please see the Technical Qualifications Marking and Moderation Centre Guide.

Are samples of evidence (for moderation) required for each learner?

No. A sample of learners' grades and evidence will be requested by the moderator via the Moderation Portal. The sample will be dependent on the size of the cohort of learners.

How are the components of Technical Qualifications other than the synoptic practical assessments assessed?

Other centre-assessed components, such as optional units and Employer Involvement (for KS5 Technical Qualifications) will be subject to external review by City & Guilds. As with moderation, this will take place remotely, with centres submitting samples of work to the Moderation Portal for external review. Where necessary, feedback and improvement actions will be given to the centre with timescales for completion. 

More information can be found in the Technical Qualifications Marking and Moderation Centre Guide.

What are the advantages of moderation over verification?

With this type of internally-marked assessment there will always be variation between centres’ interpretations of the standards. Controlling this across large numbers of centre-based markers is impractical. Moderation is a mechanism to centrally adjust for this variation. Controlling the overall standard amongst a small group of moderators is more manageable with fairer results, and more consistent and reliable results nationally.

What are the objectives of a moderation visit?

For certain qualifications ephemeral evidence plays a significant part in the assessment and evaluation of candidate performance. In these cases, the online moderation may be supported with a visit to the centre by the moderator. This will only be required in specified qualifications.

The objectives of the moderation visit are to:

  • Ensure that end assessment evidence gathered by the tutor is sufficient, valid and reliable enough to support any subsequent marking or moderation of the end assessments.
  • Allow the independent collection of evidence by the moderator. This provides a benchmark which the tutor-produced evidence can be compared to, especially where photographic and video evidence cannot provide valid or complete backing to support tutor evidence.

For more information, please see the Technical Qualifications Marking and Moderation Centre Guide.

If I don’t have a moderation visit, how will the marks for the synoptic assessment be moderated?

The marks will be moderated on the basis of the assessment evidence specified in the assessment pack and submitted via the Moderation Portal.

Will moderators answer queries from centres?

Moderators will contact centres to request learner evidence samples and may answer questions related to the moderation process that they are working through with the centre. However, they will not provide general support.

General support throughout the moderation process will be provided by the Technicals Quality team as required.

What happens if the moderator suspects potential malpractice?

If the moderator suspects potential malpractice or maladministration they will escalate to the Moderation Support Team. This will then be forwarded to our Investigation & Compliance team for further investigation.



Where do I find the exam timetable?

Our exam timetable is updated each year, and is made available on our website on the Resources & Support page, along with other key documents to assist you with delivery.
View the Exam Timetable Autumn 2020 >

View the Exam Timetable Spring 2021 >

Are there any templates available to assist with planning delivery for the year?

Yes there is. We have sample curriculum plans which are available on our Resources & Support page for most sectors. Click here to go through to our Resources & Support page.


Can a student’s result be remarked? What’s the impact – could their marks go up, stay the same or go down?

A review of marking is available for written or practical examinations.

Our Enquiries and Appeals for Qualifications document outlines further details about the process and information on how to apply.

This document explains the process that centres (and in some cases candidates) need to go through where either wish to question a decision made relating to any of the following bullet points, and also includes the fees associated with each stage of the process, a glossary of terms and points of contact at City & Guilds for enquiries and appeals.

  • Examination results
  • Decisions regarding qualification (approval risk) status
  • Moderation of internally-marked assessments
  • Decisions concerning the withdrawal or suspension of centre/qualification approval
  • Decisions, penalties and sanctions resulting from a malpractice investigation and
  • Outcomes of applications for access arrangements or special consideration.

What is your appeal process?

 It is our aim to treat each case fairly and consistently. However, if you disagree with a decision we have made, you can appeal against that decision.
There are three stages:
• Enquiry – Stage 1
• Appeal – Stage 2
• Independent Appeals Board – Stage 3

Please read this document on further details referring to the enquiries and appeals process for qualifications and how to apply.

What about the qualification grade boundaries?

The qualification grade boundaries are the same for all Technical Qualifications, and this can be found detailed in the handbooks.

My learner was absent for the re-sit – what happens next?

All learners have two opportunities to achieve the synoptic assignments. Level 2 KS4 and KS5 learners are allowed two attempts at the theory exams and Level 3 KS5 learners are allowed three attempts.

The next sitting of the theory exams will be in the following spring, or summer exam. See exams timetable here for 2021.

The next opportunity to attempt and submit evidence for the synoptic assignments will be the following synoptic assignment window.

If a learner has passed their synoptic but failed their theory exam can the synoptic result be carried over to the next year if they wanted to re-sit just the dated exam?

Yes, assuming the learner has not yet sat and failed a re-sit of the exam.

If a Level 3 candidate fails their theory exam will they be allowed to re-take it again?

Please be reminded that DfE and Ofqual have confirmed that for external assessments, learners will be permitted two resit opportunities for VTQs. This applies to 16-18 performance table qualifications approved for 2022, 2023 and 2024 tables (for Applied Generals, Tech Levels and Technical Certificates) and for 2022 and 2023 Technical Awards

What will appear on Walled Garden?

Component results for the following:

• Synoptic assignment – grade.
Theory exam: spring – grade, summer – grade*.
Employer Involvement – this will be a pass/fail result.
Optional units (where applicable) – this will be a grade, as entered by the centre, assuming there were no quality issues during moderation.
Any centre assessed unit components – this will be a grade, as entered by the centre, assuming there were no quality issues during moderation.
*The highest grade will be taken forward to qualification outcome. For example, if a candidate sat and passed the spring test, then re-sat the test in summer and achieved a better grade, the better grade will be the one that contributes to the qualification grade.

Will it tell me if the learner has achieved the qualification?

Yes, but please note that Walled Garden will only show the qualification grade if a learner has achieved all of the required assessment components, including Employer Involvement, optional units and any other centre assessed components as indicated in the relevant qualification handbook.

How will I know if my learner has failed an assessment?

Walled Garden will show fail grades for theory exams and synoptic assignments, for any learners who may have failed these assessments.

If a learner has failed any of the mandatory assessments, including required optional units and Employer Involvement, this means the learner will not achieve the overall qualification.

If my learner sat both the spring and summer exams, which result counts?

The highest grade for the exam component will be taken forward to the qualification grade.

Will there be a Chief Examiner or Principal Moderator report?

We will provide a qualification report, which will highlight strengths and weaknesses on a national level per Technical Qualification for the exams and synoptic assignment. This will be available from the end of August, on the City & Guilds website, on the relevant qualification pages.

How will we know if our assignment marks were changed during moderation?

All centres will receive a moderator feedback report for each synoptic assessment, which will provide information on the accuracy of centre marking, including the final marks decision. These reports will also provide feedback and guidance on the collection of evidence and centre administration.

What if my marks differ from the marks submitted through the Moderation Portal. Why is there a difference?  

The moderation process is where City & Guilds moderators carry out sample remarking of centre marked work to determine how closely the centre’s marking aligns with the common standard. There are three potential outcomes from the moderation process. These are:

1. Centre marks are accepted where centre marking is found to be within tolerance of the agreed national standard for the qualification.
2. Moderator marks are accepted, where centre marking is outside tolerance and marks for all learners are available.
3. Centre marks are adjusted, where centre marking is outside tolerance and moderator marks for all learners are not available. In these instances, an adjustment is calculated for all learners based upon the marking of the sample.

Detailed information on the process and outcome of moderation is available in the Marking and Moderation Guide.

What feedback will centres receive as to whether Employer Involvement has been met/not been met?

If the learner has not completed their Employer Involvement, they will not achieve the qualification. The Employer Involvement is a mandatory part of each KS5 (post 16) Technical Qualification.

Employer Involvement is not part of the KS4 Technical Awards.

The moderator feedback report also contains information on whether the Employer Involvement requirement was met, with examples of good and poor practice where relevant.

Will my learners receive a paper certificate, and if so when?

Yes, learners will receive paper certificates unless the centre has opted out of paper certificates.

When will our learners receive their certificates?

Certificates should be received no later than five working days after the results are visible on the Walled Garden.

What type of certificates will my learners receive?

In addition to the results on the Walled Garden, your learners will receive an overall qualification certificate, which will display the title of the qualification and the grade.

They will also receive a certificate of unit credit ( CUC) showing all the assessments they have received as part of the qualification, including:
• Synoptic assignment
• Theory exam
• Optional units
• Employer Involvement
• Any other centre assessed components.

What is displayed on each certificate?

The qualification certificate will show the qualification title and the overall grade the learner has achieved.

The CUC will show the components the learner has achieved as part of their qualification and their corresponding grade for each component. Certificates do not show learners’ marks.

How long do I have to appeal a result?

You can appeal a result up to 40 working days after the date the result is issued.

How is the overall qualification grade calculated?

The overall qualification grade is based on the theory exam and synoptic assignment, taking forward the learner’s best grades. Each one of these has a different weighting towards the final qualification grade and this is detailed in the relevant qualification handbook.

Please can you explain why the grades achieved in the optional units do not contribute towards the overall grade when the results read: "Certificate of Unit Credit towards…"?

We treat our optional units as hurdles within the qualification. This means the overall qualification grade cannot be achieved without the candidate achieving the required optional units. In this sense they do contribute towards achievement of the qualification and are described as unit credit towards the qualification.

However, they do not contribute to the overall qualification grade. The reason for this is that the qualification grade is based on the mandatory (and therefore consistent) content we test in the external theory exam and synoptic assignment. These qualifications are designed to be appropriately challenging and to distinguish between different levels of candidate achievement. As such, where we have built in optional units to allow flexibility in the programme the centre designs for the candidate, we do not allow these to contribute to the overall grade as we can’t guarantee a consistent set of content to have been covered to achieve this grade for all candidates across the national cohort. All candidates, however, will have done the same external test and synoptic assignment. This ensures the grade we report for the qualification as a whole is consistent and useful both for the candidates and the employers who might be basing employment decisions on that grade.

The mandatory content in our Technical Qualifications is never less that two thirds of the content of the qualification as a whole.
We still grade the optional units in our Technical Qualifications and we report these grades on our CUC, so candidates have a record of what they have achieved, which they are able to show to future employers.

Please can you explain why the qualification overall result only relies on the synoptic assignment and the theory exam?

We base the grade for the qualification on rigorous assessment of the mandatory content of the qualification. This is to ensure the grade reported is the truest possible reflection of that candidate’s achievement against the qualification content and purpose.

In addition, we externally mark and award our theory exams, and externally moderate and award our synoptic assignments. These are precise methods of assessment, and allow us to ensure the appropriate standard is set across the national cohort before grades are awarded.

UCAS points and progression routes

Can I get into university with a City & Guilds Technical qualification?

All City & Guilds Level 3 Technical Qualifications attract UCAS Tariff points.

We work with large number of universities who welcome applications from learners with Technical Level Qualifications for relevant degree courses.

To see a list of all the universities we currently work with please visit our study technicals page.

The UCAS tariff-points for Technical Qualifications are aligned with A-Levels depending on their grades and sizes, which will strengthen your application for an undergraduate degree in the UK.

For example, some universities require 3 A-Levels or equivalent as a requirement for some of their courses, but with the new Tariff, City & Guilds Advanced Extended Diploma (GLH 1080) equates to the same size as a 3 A-Level programme of study.

A grade of Distinction*Distinction* Distinction* has the same UCAS points as A* A* A*.

How do I calculate my grades?

You can look up your UCAS Tariff points by finding your qualifications in the (updated May 2018), or use the UCAS Tariff point calculator.

From September 2019. Learners who have completed an Advanced Technical Extended Diploma (720 GLH and 1080 GLH) will see changes to the grading scales.

The changes have been introduced to provide refined qualification grading and increase the range of UCAS points available, via a greater granularity of grading in order to meet wider HEi admissions requirements.

For more information Download our FAQs concerning the changes to City & Guilds Technical Qualifications grade scales, effective from September 2019.

Do UCAS points show on their certificates?

No, UCAS points do not show on any certificate. They are used as entry requirements to Higher Education only.

Do Technical Qualifications carry UCAS points?

All of our Level 3 Technical Qualifications carry UCAS points to provide opportunities for progression to university.

The Level 3 Core Maths, and the Level 3 Extended Project which can be delivered alongside a City & Guilds Technical Qualification, also carry UCAS points.

Find out more about UCAS points and our Technical Qualifications.

When will we see our City & Guilds Technical Qualifications being advertised on university webpages?

As there are so many different types of qualifications available it’s not possible for universities to include all awarding organisations qualifications separately and by name on their websites. However, universities publish a range of entry requirements for each course on their websites.

If a learner is studying for an Advanced Technical Extended Diploma and achieves a Merit grade at the end of the first year, is it possible for them to achieve a higher grade overall in year 2?

Ultimately, if candidates achieve high marks in the rest of the assessments within the qualification and they obtained a high merit in the first year and an overall mid to high distinction for the other 50%), they could still achieve a higher grade overall at the end of their course.

Quality assurance

What is the quality assurance process?

Technical Qualifications are subject to quality assurance monitoring in the following ways:
  • External moderation of practical synoptic assessment 
  • External quality assurance of other centre assessed components, e.g. optional units  
  • External marking of externally set examinations
  • External sampling of Employer Involvement (at Key Stage 5 only).
The quality assurance process is rigorous, and follows the following processes:
  • At Key Stage 4 (13-16) and Key Stage 5 (16+), all centres wishing to offer the qualifications will receive a centre visit from one of our EQAs as part of the qualification approval process
  • At Key Stage 5, qualification approval will also include a review of the centre’s plans for Employer Involvement at approval. Moderation will also involve a sampling exercise of Employer Involvement, towards the end of the Technical Qualification delivery.

Do Quality Assurance Process (QAPs)  have to be submitted every year?

 No, only for initial approval. Ongoing quality assurance monitoring for centres delivering Technical Qualifications is provided through the moderation process.

Granularity of Grading

Download our FAQs concerning the changes to City & Guilds Technical Qualifications grade scales, effective from September 2019.

Call us on 0300 303 5352 or complete our enquiry form.                                        

Complete our form