Agriculture Apprenticeships - Wales and Northern Ireland

Last Updated: 01 Oct 2021

Agriculture apprenticeships provide learners with skills in specialist areas of expertise while gaining knowledge of the wider livestock or arable farms profession. Areas include how to prepare and cultivate sites for planting crops; operate a tractor with attachments and harvest and store crops. 

Further details of the Agriculture Apprenticeship Framework for both Wales and Northern Ireland can be found by clicking on the following links: 

At Level 2 learners will need to achieve the following qualifications or have completed a recognised equivalent qualification:
601/2653/X Level 2 Diploma in Work-based Agriculture (0066-73)

For Wales:
601/6805/5 Level 1 Essential Skills in Communication (3868-01)
601/6802/X Level 1 Essential Skills in Application of Number (3868-02)

For Northern Ireland:

603/0424/8 Level 1 Certificate in Essential Skills - Communication (4800-40)
603/0398/0 Level 1 Certificate in Essential Skills - Application of Number (4800-50)
500/5322/X Level 1 Certificate in Essential Skills - Information and Communication Technology (4800-60)

At Level 3 learners will need to achieve the following qualifications or have completed a recognised equivalent qualification:
500/6224/4 Level 3 Diploma in Work-based Agriculture (0066-83)

For Wales:
601/6809/2 Level 2 Essential Skills in Communication (3868-01)
601/6808/0 Level 2 Essential Skills in Application of Number (3868-02)
601/6810/9 Level 2 Essential Digital Literacy Skills (3868-03)

For Northern Ireland:
603/0425/X Level 2 Certificate in Essential Skills - Communication (4800-40)
603/0397/9 Level 2 Certificate in Essential Skills - Application of Number (4800-50)
500/5201/9 Level 2 Certificate in Essential Skills - Information and Communication Technology (4800-60)

At Level 4 learners will need to achieve the following qualifications or have completed a recognised equivalent qualification:
600/2842/7 Level 4 Diploma in Work-based Agricultural Business Management (0097-44)

For Wales:
601/6809/2 Level 2 Essential Skills in Communication (3868-01)
601/6808/0 Level 2 Essential Skills in Application of Number (3868-02)
601/6810/9 Level 2 Essential Digital Literacy Skills (3868-03)

For Northern Ireland:
603/0425/X Level 2 Certificate in Essential Skills - Communication (4800-40)
603/0397/9 Level 2 Certificate in Essential Skills - Application of Number (4800-50)
500/5201/9 Level 2 Certificate in Essential Skills - Information and Communication Technology (4800-60)

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