Category: Research

Training Trends 2023: Unlocking investment, realising potential

07 November 2023
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Are internal barriers to L&D leading to wasted training investment in training?

New Maths and English report highlights key priorities and challenges for providers

03 November 2023
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From managing quality to learner engagement, recent research from Â鶹ÊÓƵ shares key provider insights.

New report says energy sector upskilling crisis is damaging UK's chances to hit net zero goals

06 July 2023
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Our research explores the readiness of the UK energy sector workforce to meet the Government's ambition to decarbonise the energy system by 2035

Enhancing skills development in Hong Kong through Assured accreditation

15 June 2023
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In East Asia, the demand for skilled professionals is rapidly growing as industries evolve and adapt to new technologies and challenges

Youth Misspent: Uncovering the harsh realities for Britain’s young people in today’s job market

07 December 2022
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Â鶹ÊÓƵ’ research finds that the odds are being stacked against young people’s futures and career aspirations – particularly the most disadvantaged.

Almost half of girls opt for university despite only a third of jobs requiring a degree

16 August 2022
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Ahead of A-Level results day, new research from skills organisation Â鶹ÊÓƵ reveals that more young people are turning towards university compared to the same time last year.

Adult Social Care is an investment in all of our futures

10 August 2022
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The Social Care sector is one of the UK’s most vital industries and instrumental in supporting the most vulnerable in our society – how can we support this undervalued industry in need of skills?

99% of working electricians believe there are major risks with EV charging work

28 July 2022
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Â鶹ÊÓƵ research finds that nearly all working electricians believe there are significant risks associated with Electrical Vehicle (EV) charging work, yet only 28% have received specific training

The essential role of rail in keeping the country moving

15 June 2022
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The rail sector is one of the UK’s most vital industries – what do we need to do to keep it on track?

Great Jobs: recognising the essential jobs that keep the UK working

02 February 2022
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Â鶹ÊÓƵ’ research finds that despite key workers seeing the nation through the pandemic, the UK’s most vital industries are being threatened by growing skills shortages, as poor reputations and concerns about low pay turn off potential new recruits.

Â鶹ÊÓƵ annual skills index 2021

08 June 2021
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This index, created in collaboration with labour market economists Emsi and the British Chambers of Commerce explores how the skills and employment landscape is transforming and examines what skills and opportunities are growing now, and in the future.

Level 2 Attainment report

18 February 2021
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The UK Government is currently reviewing the future of level 2 and below qualifications in the further education sector.

Building bridges towards future jobs

03 February 2021
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The Great Covid Career Pivot: A third of Britons want to switch careers, but many have no idea where to start.

UK rail industry faces critical skills shortage by 2025 – putting success of major new projects at risk

20 November 2020
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New research by Â鶹ÊÓƵ and the National Skills Academy for Rail (NSAR) paints a stark picture for the future of the rail workforce, with skills shortages set to escalate significantly in the sector over the next five years.

Government urged to give regions greater power over skills and employment or risk ‘levelling down’ the chances of millions

02 November 2020
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New report warns top down approach to recovery puts UK economy at risk and calls for increased devolution to address challenges that lie ahead

Recovery and Resilience

01 July 2020
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Â鶹ÊÓƵ calls for urgent action from Government to redirect skills funding to help people back into employment.

Stamp out the stigma around apprenticeships

03 February 2020
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New research finds adults living in England think apprenticeships trump university for skills development and value for money. Yet, a majority would still choose university as a route to upskill.

Missing Millions

01 February 2020
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Undertrained, underemployed and unprepared: the UK is squandering the potential of millions of workers.

Building the talent pipeline in Saudi Arabia

31 January 2020
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We conducted an online survey in partnership with Changeboard Magazine Middle East with 516 Saudi Arabian employers, along with a small number of face-to-face interviews.

Learning and development not meeting needs of global workforce

26 June 2019
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New research published today by Â鶹ÊÓƵ, the leading global skills organisation, reveals that while employees around the world have a strong appetite for learning, they are inhibited by a lack of accessible, appropriate and engaging training opportunities.

Sense & Instability 2019

07 June 2019
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In our latest research report, Sense & Instability we call on the Government to urgently rethink how skills and education policy in the UK is designed and delivered.

The LearningNext campaign is all about recognising that learning never stops, and that developing new skills and capabilities is something that should last a lifetime

30 January 2019
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We want to challenge the myth that qualifications and learning are limited to schools and universities, and demonstrate that whether you are a learner, employer, policymaker, or training provider, we all have a part to play in getting learning at the heart of what we do.

Constructing the future

01 September 2018
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How the skills needed for success in the workplace are changing.

People power

01 June 2018
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The UK is in the grip of a skills crisis that is affecting many of our industries and impacting productivity, growth and ultimately the bottom lines of businesses across the country. Our education system is simply not well aligned to the needs of industry and employer investment in skills development has not recovered since the 2008 recession.


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