ࡱ> CEBy 6bjbj 44{{( RR8t_0vvvvv$ARvvH222:vv2222v:2/0_222222_R `: 4271/4291 VCQ and VRQ Accident Repair (Paint) Tracking Sheets The tracking sheets originally produced for this qualification have recently been reviewed and this has resulted in further clarification being included regarding evidence requirements. In some cases the original information did not provide sufficient clarity and therefore allowed some differences of interpretation, these anomalies have now been addressed. The tracking sheets for the competency units have now been combined with the relevant short-answer questions to provide individual assessment packs per level and pathway which includes the internally assessed documentation required, these are available to download from the 鶹Ƶ website under 4271. Some minor format changes have also been made in order to provide further clarity and consistency. Two things to note: 1. The evidence requirements stated on the tracking sheets indicate the minimum evidence required to meet the assessment criteria. Depending on the situation additional evidence may be required. 2. Candidates completing both the VCQ & VRQ must meet the assessment requirements of both qualifications. For example, if the VCQ requires two observations and the VRQ three observations, then a minimum of three observations must be recorded. However only two of these need to be from the workplace the third can be produced within the centre but must meet current industry practice and standards. The table below indicates the units where additional clarification has been given. UnitNoSComment re evidence requirement 001G1/2Revised sheet providing improved clarification of evidence requirements003G3No change in requirement but additional clarification102BP02Further clarification on both VRQ and VCQ requirements201PO01No change202PO02No change203PO03Further clarification on VCQ evidence requirements204PO0408Change to VRQ evidence requirement only three panel types required206PO06Change to VCQ evidence requirement four from five defects207PO07Further clarification on types of paint defects209PO09Further clarification on types of paint defects213PO13No change All candidates must be using these revised tracking sheets or amended previous versions to show how the Evidence Requirements are being met for both qualifications in full.       %&',.<=>?  d - = ? @ T S ½{s{fh6h.@CJ^JhX:h.5h.h hc|B*phh.EhX:h{h]YhT hT5 hI@5 h05 hl5 ht5 hc|5 h,J5hbBh 5B*phhwh 5B*phhwhX:5B*phhwhT5B*phhc|5B*ph$>? ? @ T  &$Ifl gd. %&'kwxy   \]h*+,5defoxyz{˹԰ h 5 h%\5 hX:5he4h'5cCJ he4h he4h CJ he4hiNhe4hiNCJhe4hnCJhe4h~8CJhe4hkCJ he4hkhe4h~85CJhe4hk5CJh%\hTh6h.CJ1&'+0x`PPP$Ifl kd$$IflF %  t0&6    44 lapyte4xy}`PPP$Ifl kd$$IflF %  t0&6    44 lapyte4`MMM$Ifgdp l kdd$$IflF %  t0&6    44 lapyte4 `MMM$Ifgdp l kd$$IflF %  t0&6    44 lapyte4  `MMM$Ifgdp l kd$$IflF %  t0&6    44 lapyte4 $)\`MMM$Ifgdp l kdz$$IflF %  t0&6    44 lapyte4\]ah`MMM$Ifgdp l kd,$$IflF %  t0&6    44 lapyte4`MMM$Ifgdp l kd$$IflF %  t0&6    44 lapyte4+`MMM$Ifgdp l kd$$IflF %  t0&6    44 lapyte4+,05e`MMM$Ifgdp l kdB$$IflF %  t0&6    44 lapyte4efjoy`MMM$Ifgdp l kd$$IflF %  t0&6    44 lapyte4yz{(*+-.013`^^Y^Y^Y^YgdSNkd$$IflF %  t0&6    44 lapyte4 &'()+,./1256hp jhp Uh%\h%\5 hck5 h>#u5 h 5 h{2>5345621h:p . 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