ࡱ> DFABC` cubjbjss [n,$UUUXUUU_ZaXa Level 2 Sample Questions The following are sample questions for Level 2 Retail Knowledge (1013). They are an indication of the type of questions used in this qualification. Certificate number 251 GOLA test 201 01 Which one of the following describes a main key feature of excellent customer service? a Being courteous to customers. b Exceeding customer needs. c Accepting customer needs. d Meeting company needs. 02 Which one of the following techniques is the most effective method of approaching customers on the sales floor? a Acknowledge their presence. b Greet them and carry on working. c Wait until the customer asks for help. d Observe customer movements but say nothing. 03 An effective technique for finding out what a customer is looking for is to a ask if they would repeat the question b interrupt them to confirm understanding c form an opinion quickly d summarise what they have said. 04 Which one of the following the most common type of customer complaint? a Product label information. b Wrong size. c Pricing policy. d Faulty goods. 05 Which one of the following techniques is most effective when dealing with customers making complaints? a Identify important points and facts. b Explain the companys complaints policy. c Write everything down. d Ask for a brief version of events. Certificate number 252 GOLA test 202  01 Using effective questioning within the sale process enables the salesperson to a identify customer needs b put the customer at ease c find out if they want to be served d reduce the amount of time spent with the customer. 02 If a sale has not been closed correctly, the customer is most likely to a become confused about the product features b change their mind about the initial purchase c insist on a full refund of payment d complain about the service provided. 03 Which one of the following is an example of an open question? a Can I help you? b Would you like to see our new product range? c Is this the size you are looking for? d What style did you have in mind? 04 A customer has purchased a digital camera. Which one of the following describes a product benefit? a Size of the screen. b Zoom facility. c Pictures instantly available. d Available in a variety of colours. 05 Which one of the following describes a buying signal? a Asking a salesperson for directions to the toilets. b Asking a salesperson what time the store closes. c A customer saying goodbye to a salesperson. d A customer looking around for a salesperson. Certificate number 253 GOLA test 203  01 Which one of the following laws helps to promote equality in the workplace? a Data Protection Act b Sale of Goods Act. c Disability Discrimination Act. d Health and Safety at Work Act. ....... 02 In relation to promoting equality and diversity in the workplace, which one of the following best describes diversity? a Staff who meet a specific level of skills and experience. b Staff with a range of backgrounds and experiences. c Staff with the relevant qualifications and experience. d Staff of various levels of skills and experience. 03 Which one of the following is the most likely effect of having poor communication skills within a team? a Reduction in working hours. b Increase in customer complaints. c Duplication of work. d Higher sales targets. 04 Which one of the following is a method of identifying own learning needs? a Creating staff rotas. b Writing a job description. c Producing a self assessment. d Creating an initial assessment. 05 If the learning style was by observation, which one of the following would be the best method of learning? a Working alongside an experienced colleague. b Attending a classroom lecture in a college. c Reading a book on the subject. d Searching the internet for information. Certificate number 254 GOLA test 204  01 One of the main health and safety responsibilities of an employee in the workplace is to a take reasonable care of themselves and others b work as quickly and efficiently as possible c read all relevant literature on procedures d follow the line managers instructions. 02 On discovery of a fire, which one of the following best describes how to raise the alarm in a public building? a Leave the building and call the emergency services. b Break the glass at the nearest manual fire alarm point. c Call out fire, leave quickly and stop anyone returning. d Always use the available equipment to put out the fire. 03 Which one of the following is a main hazard often found on the premises of a retail business? A Oil spills. B Untidy stock. C Slippery floors. D Poor store layout. 04 It is best to store dangerous substances and items a away from the store on a remote site b in a safe dry place, out of the reach of customers c in an open cupboard, accessible to customers d where they can easily be found and not be damaged. 05 Which one of the following best describes a routine practice to minimise health and safety risks within the workplace? a Completing regular health and safety checklists. b Completing daily and weekly cleaning checklists. c Following management instructions. d Reading health and safety literature. Certificate number 255 GOLA test 205  01 Which one of the following best describes the meaning of merchandisable quality? a Goods which are free from faults or defects. b Products which offer value for money. c Attractive and colourful products. d Products which can be re-sold. 02 One of the main responsibilities of retail employees under the Trades Descriptions Act is that they must a accurately describe their trade and occupation b explain how to use the products or services c accurately describe the products or services d explain the price of the products or services. 03 Which one of the following describes a main obligation of a retail business under the Data Protection Act? a Data must only be stored on a secure computer. b Only the person collecting the data is authorised to gain access to the information. c Data must only be used for the specific purpose for which it was collected. d Data is not covered by the act if it affects national security. 04 Which one of the following falls under legislation for age restricted goods? a Bleach. b Fireworks. c Newspapers. d Cleaning products. . 05 The main consequences of contravening retail law for a retail business are A closure of the business and possible imprisonment B legal warning and a reduction in customer loyalty C loss of trade and gaining a poor reputation D reduction in profit and an increase in expenses. Certificate number 256 GOLA test 206  01 Which one of the following best describes how crime can affect a retail business? A Stock losses through theft reduce profit. B Theft in retail can reduce the level of staff. C Stock ranges in the store may be broken or uneven. D Staff bonuses can be affected by poor stock counts. 02 One of the main methods of protecting stock from theft is to a attach security devices to products b restrict the amount of stock on display c store goods near the payment point d count displayed stock on a daily basis. 03 Which one of the following is a precaution for reducing internal theft of stock in a retail business? a Restricting the amount of cash kept in the till. b Carrying out regular stock counts and audits. c Carrying out regular bag and staff searches. d Restricting the amount of stock on display. 04 Which one of the following best describes the action to take when suspecting or witnessing a theft? a Wait until the suspect has left the store before approaching them. b Wait until the suspect has left the store before reporting to the authorised person. c Follow the suspect out of the store, detain them and call the police. d Report suspicions or observations as soon as possible to the authorised person. 05 Which one of the following describes the best method of safeguarding own personal safety? a Dealing with situations firmly and complying with legal guidelines. b Complying with legal and organisational guidelines and avoiding confrontation. c Avoiding all contact with customers who appear aggressive and complying with legal guidelines. d Acknowledging confrontational situations and following legal and company guidelines. Certificate number 257 GOLA test 207  01 Which one of the following is not a typical method of payment in a retail business? a Cash. b Credit card. c Debit card. d Foreign currency. 02 Which one of the following actions is a main security risk when handling cash at the payment point? a Leaving the till drawer open between transactions. b Entering incorrect bar codes onto the payment system. c Checking bank notes to confirm they are legal tender. d Checking bags of money for accuracy. 03 One of the most common problems that can arise at the payment point is when a the price of a product has been reduced from the original selling price b the product or service is not available c there is a query on the price of a product d there are insufficient carrier bags at the payment point. 04 A cashier can best help to promote additional sales at the payment point by a placing promotional literature in the customers carrier bag b introducing to the customer products or services that are less costly than the original item c introducing to the customer products or services which complement the original item d asking the customer if there is anything else they require. 05 Which one of the following is the minimum age for a customer wishing to purchase tobacco products? a 12. b 16. c 18. d 21. Certificate Number 258 GOLA test 208  01 Which one of the following is the main method of maintaining stock levels in a large store? a Automated stock replacement systems. b Stock checks during annual stock audits. c Filling up fixtures when low levels are identified. d Managers making checks on stock levels. 02 When preparing for goods delivery, the main consideration is that the receiving area is a clearly marked as the delivery area b clean and clear of obstacles c at the rear of the store d brightly lit. 03 Which one of the following actions is the most suitable if there are variations in the quantities of goods received? a Make a mental note of the discrepancy. b Report the discrepancy to colleagues verbally. c Point out all discrepancies to the delivery driver. d Record and report discrepancies to the relevant person. 04 The quality of stock should be checked regularly to ensure a incorrect prices are identified and reported to the correct person b the amount of goods received corresponds with the delivery documentation c the correct documentation has been received d faulty goods are identified and reported to the relevant person. 05 Which one of the following best describes a reason why stock can deteriorate in storage? a Excessive amounts of moisture and dampness levels. b Regular price reductions and increases take place. c Lack of adequate lighting in the workplace. d Lack of personal protective equipment. Certificate number 259 GOLA test 209  01 Which one of the following describes how to translate brand image to the customer through window displays? By the a type of merchandise b size of the window c seasons of the year d decorative items used. 02 Which one of the following are props which can be used in a window display to support brand identity? a The elements used in the display. b The tickets used with the merchandise. c The use of the space available. d The themes used with the merchandise. 03 Basic principles for preparing fixtures and fittings and installing props would include a checking all staff are ready b understanding product adjacencies c checking all shelves are built safely d identifying the stock required for the display. 04 Which one of the following gives the best benefit of displaying specific products in different locations? a It helps when displaying new merchandise. b It helps staff to gather merchandise knowledge. c Customers like to see as much stock as possible. d Customers do not visit every section of a shop. 05 Products may need cleaning and polishing before being displayed because a it improves the image of the store b it shows merchandise is new c staff touch new merchandise d staff enjoy the work. Level 3 Sample Questions The following are sample questions for Level 3 Retail Knowledge (1013). They are an indication of the type of questions used in this qualification. The asterisk highlights the correct answer. Certificate number 351 GOLA test 301 01 Which one of the following is an advantage to a retail business of having a loyal customer base? Customers will a shop at the store before considering others b expect to exchange or refund goods c always find what they want at the right price d be able to purchase goods at a cheaper price. 02 A customer returns goods having changed their mind and demands a refund. The store wishes to show goodwill but only within their legal obligations, which one of the following actions would be most suitable? a Say they are sorry that the goods are not suitable and offer a full refund. b State that due to company policy, they are unable to offer a refund but give them their sincere sympathy. c Issue the customer with a credit note and offer an apology . d Explain that they are not obliged to refund under these circumstances but offer an exchange. 03 A customer is complaining angrily about a fault in goods purchased at the store. Which two of the following actions would be the most suitable? 1. Lead the customer to a quiet area of the store. 2. Defuse the customers anger. 3. Call the manager immediately. 4. Refuse to talk to the customer until they calm down. a 1 and 2. b 2 and 3. c 3 and 4. d 4 and 1. ... 04 A regular and valued customer has complained that a delivery of goods has been delayed. Which two of the following actions are most likely to satisfy the customer? 1. Offer free delivery on their next purchase. 2. Promise to investigate the problem. 3. Report it to the manager. 4. Give an apology. a 1 and 2. b 2 and 3. c 3 and 4. d 4 and 1. 05 Which one of the following best describes how managers can use Key Performance Indicators to monitor the customer service delivered by staff? They a maintain the level of customer service and feedback b evaluate the progress of staff in meeting customer service goals c measure the profit gained by promoting good customer service d enable staff to understand their responsibilities for delivering good customer service. Certificate number 352 GOLA test 302  01 Why is it important for employers to provide clearly defined health and safety procedures? To ensure employees a can maintain a safe working environment and meet their legal obligations b improve security in their working environment and comply with company procedures c understand the implications of legislation requirements d comprehend and comply with healthy lifestyle standards. 02 The accident book is used to record incidents and is also used as a method of a finding more effective equipment in the workplace b monitoring the risks to health and safety in the workplace c obtaining customer information for marketing purposes d reducing the number of accidents in the workplace. 03 The document used to identify areas of the premises where action can be taken to improve health and safety is known as a the health and safety at work act b the control of substances hazardous to health act c a risk assessment d an accident book. 04 If an organisation fails to have effective policies and procedures for managing bomb threats, the result is most likely to be that a security will need to be informed before any action is taken b police will need to be informed before any action is taken c the manager will need to handle the emergency as best they can d staff will not know how to respond safely and correctly. 05 Which two of the following are essential contents within an accident book? Location of the accident Description of the accident. Description of additional witnesses. The date the accident was reported. a 1 and 2. b 2 and 3. c 3 and 4. d 1 and 4. Certificate number 353 GOLA test 303  01 Which one of the following is an internal threat to security? Stock loss a from the sales floor by customers b in transit by the postal service driver c from disposal bins by customers d in transit by the home delivery driver. 02 There has been an increase in theft on a retail trading estate. Which one of the following implications is most likely to affect the profit margins of the stores on this estate? a Increased prices. b Increased security costs. c Decreased wage costs. d Decreased rent payments. 03 A manager suspects that they are losing stock to theft from rails near the door. Which two of the following are the best actions to take first? 1. Make staff aware of their job roles. 2. Change store trading hours. 3. Change rotas to keep a member of staff near the door. 4. Take a stock count to identify affected ranges. a 1 and 2. b 2 and 3. c 3 and 4. d 1 and 4. 04 A customer has been refused a refund and has become threatening to staff. Which one of the following would be the best action to take? a Argue with the customer and insist that they leave the store. b Ask staff to guide them to a quiet area of the store and deal with the problem. c Give them the refund immediately, so they leave the store quickly. d Guide them to a quiet area of the store and advise that threatening behaviour will not be tolerated. 05 Which one of the following shows the correct key stages of a risk assessment? a Record the findings, decide who is at risk, identify the potential risk and implement results of the assessment.. b Identify the risk, state why you think it might be a risk, eliminate the risk and seek authorisation to deal with it. c Seek authorisation, establish the financial implications, record the findings and monitor the assessment.. d Identify the risk, decide who is at risk, seek authorisation to deal with the risk and record the findings. Certificate number 354 GOLA test 304  01 A payment point needs to be staffed throughout the day. To ensure full coverage the manager should allow time for a dealing with security issues b changeover, breaks and lunch c greeting visitors from head office d obtaining further consumables. 02 Which one of the following actions would best be taken to avoid customers being given the wrong change? Verbally state the total a sales value to the customer and place the payment into the till b tender offered by the customer and change given to the customer c sales value and tender offered by the customer before placing payments into the till d number of items purchased and change given to the customer. 03 Which one of the following problems can best be reduced through routine monitoring at the payment point? a Incorrectly priced goods. b Shop floor security. c Internal theft of goods. d Damaged stock. 04 A payment point is 10 over at the end of an operators shift. Which one of the following is most likely to be the cause? The operator has a scanned goods priced higher than marked on the product b put the float in the till at the beginning of the day which was incorrect c recorded a sale as a credit payment instead of cash d given incorrect change back to a customer. 05 A manager has found that they have 10 less cash than is recorded on the till roll, although the total takings and sales balance. Which one of the following is likely to be the main reason? a A cash sale has been recorded as a credit. b There was too much float at the beginning of the day. c There was too little float at the beginning of the day. d The till operator has removed cash illegally. Certificate number 355 GOLA test 305  01 A retail questionnaire has uncovered that customers have no confidence in asking advice from staff. Which one of the following is most likely to be the reason? a Insufficient staff training on product knowledge. b Poor range of products within the store. c Customers are unable to locate staff in the store. d Product information to customers is extremely good. 02 A staff member has knowingly given false product information to customers and the employer has received notice of investigation. What is the most likely outcome? a The employer will be charged and prosecuted. b The employer and the employee may face prosecution. c The employee could face prosecution. d The employee will be given a verbal warning. 03 Which one of the following best describes the meaning of merchandisable quality? a Products which offer the most value for the money. b Goods which are attractive to the customer. c Goods which are free from faults or defects. d Products which are ideal to display in the window. 04 At what point is it most appropriate for staff to introduce add-on products in a sale? a During the selling of the original item to the customer. b Immediately following the customers payment for the original item. c At any point during the sale but before reaching the payment point. d As soon as the customer confirms their wish to purchase the original product. 05 Which one of the following is the main consideration when setting staff sales targets to ensure they are effective? Targets should be set a against estimated information and to maximum levels b against known information and at achievable levels c at estimated levels based on approximate information d to challenging levels based on approximate information. Certificate number 356 GOLA test 306  01 A manager is planning for a large delivery and space is limited in the stockroom. Which two of the following actions are the most appropriate? 1. Carry out a stocktake on current stock levels. 2. Fill up stock on the sales floor. 3. Check lifting equipment is working and available. 4. Report any discrepancies to the relevant people. a 1 and 2. b 2 and 3. c 3 and 4. d 1 and 4. 02 Failing to report discrepancies in a delivery will result in being charged for goods not received which will affect a staff working hours b annual audit results c sales records d controllable store costs. .. 03 Which two of the following are the main principles of maintaining a stock control system? Records are updated using information from deliveries stock takes sales promotions staff rotas. a 1 and 2. b 2 and 3. c 3 and 4. d 1 and 4. 04 The main reasons that stock levels may vary from current records are a theft, till errors and poor stock handling b incorrect deliveries, theft and giving incorrect change c incorrect deliveries, poor stock handling and theft d theft, administrative errors and incorrect deliveries. ... 05 In addition to physical resources, which type of records are required when auditing stock? Records of stock a promotions b condition c movement d quality. Certificate number 357 GOLA test 307  01 Which one of the following can best be used to measure the success of a teams achievements? a Key Performance Indicators. b Continuous Professional Development. c Individual Development Plan. d Annual appraisal. 02 Which one of the following can best be used to identify the learning needs of an employee? a Key Performance Indicators. b Individual Development Plan. c Work schedules. d Observation by a line manager. 03 The most effective way of informing a customer that their perishable product has arrived in the store is by a telephone b fax c post d e mail. 04 Which one of the following situations is most likely to develop into conflict within a retail team? a Achievement of team targets. b Disagreement with a customer. c Unsatisfactory quality of goods. d Confusion of responsibilities. 05 Which one of the following best describes giving constructive feedback to an employee? a Building confidence by explaining what they did well and praising them. b Criticising performance without suggesting possible solutions. c Giving suggestions on improving performance, without dwelling on the individuals shortfalls. d Summing up performance over several activities or longer time periods. Certificate number 358 GOLA test 308  01 Which one of the following activities is most likely to identify opportunities for improving retail operations? a Monitoring sales on promotional displays. b Placing sales literature in customers bags. c Working a shift at the payment point. d Cleaning and tidying stock on the sales floor. 02 A manager wants to encourage staff to put forward ideas for improvements in the store. Which one of the following actions is most likely to produce a response? a State that staff are welcome to offer ideas. b Offer a reward for the best suggestion. c Place a suggestion box at the payment point. d Criticise previous ideas from others. 03 Staff will be most likely to be committed and motivated in bringing about change in store operations if they are a expected to come up with new ideas b told to work harder and smarter c encouraged to put forward their ideas d provided with shorter working hours. 04 Staff have not completed work on time despite their obvious enthusiasm. Which one of the following is most likely to be the cause? a Staff have not been working hard enough. b Work objectives were not clearly explained. c Staff were not committed to the tasks outcome. d Insufficient staff planning by the manager. 05 A manager has limited budget and staff available but wants to extend the trading hours. Which one of the following best ensures sufficient coverage? a Pay overtime and increase staff coverage during busy times of the day. b Reduce hours on unproductive times of the day and overlap hours over busy periods. c Close the store during slow trading periods of the day. d Increase staff hours at busy times of the day and employ more staff.     Retail Knowledge (1013)  Jaoy  3 6 9 W Z t w ¶¦¶џ蛏paaaaUhHLCJOJQJaJh(hCJOJQJaJh(h&5CJOJQJaJh(h&CJOJQJaJh CJOJQJaJhV h(hh(h(6CJOJQJaJh(CJOJQJaJh(h(CJOJQJaJh(h(5CJOJQJaJ hhh(h&LjhRUmHnHsH u!3 4 W t 8 9 X |  l^lgd(  l^lgdDO  gd(  l@&^lgd(  @&gd gdligdFggd(gd( ? @ C ` ַ֗xj\K h(h*5FCJOJQJ^JaJh&CJOJQJ^JaJh CJOJQJ^JaJhHLCJOJQJ^JaJ h(h&CJOJQJ^JaJ h(hCJOJQJ^JaJh(h(CJOJQJaJh(hCJOJQJaJh(h&5CJOJQJaJh(h&CJOJQJaJh CJOJQJaJh(h;CJOJQJaJ ? @ i 6 7 U d w  6 b | gdFg  l@&^lgd(  l^lgdDO` h i l     6 : U X d g w z ޿ޠގހoooo޿^M h(hnTCJOJQJ^JaJ h(h(CJOJQJ^JaJ h(hCJOJQJ^JaJh*5FCJOJQJ^JaJ#h(h&5CJOJQJ^JaJh CJOJQJ^JaJ h(h.CJOJQJ^JaJhHLCJOJQJ^JaJ h(hCJOJQJ^JaJ h(h&CJOJQJ^JaJ h(h;CJOJQJ^JaJ  6 9 b e |  !9<UX{~̟ufh(h(CJOJQJaJhHLCJOJQJaJh(h8NCJOJQJaJh(hCJOJQJaJh CJOJQJaJjhRUmHnHuhVhFg h(hh( h(hCJOJQJ^JaJ#h(h&5CJOJQJ^JaJ h(h&CJOJQJ^JaJ" 9U{Eu2b   l^lgd  l^lgd  l@&^lgd(   l^l EHux"25be/3GJY\z}+._bඪh h(h8Nh( h(hCJOJQJ^JaJh CJOJQJaJh(h(CJOJQJaJhHLCJOJQJaJh(h8NCJOJQJaJh(hCJOJQJaJh(h5CJOJQJaJ4/0GYz+_89P  l^lgd8N  l@&^lgd(gdFg   l^l  @&gd  l^lgdh*.(@ABEgl":;<?ɺɺthɺtɺYh(hGCJOJQJaJh8NCJOJQJaJh(h8N5CJOJQJaJh(h(CJOJQJaJhHLCJOJQJaJhh)vCJOJQJaJh*5Fh8NCJOJQJaJh(h8NCJOJQJaJh CJOJQJaJ#h(h8N5CJOJQJ^JaJjhRUmHnHu h(h8NhV"PfDE(AB ";<  l@&^lgd(   l^lgd8Ngd8N  l^lgd8N"tx:;QRX\`abcfq񪣟ugV h(h&CJOJQJ^JaJh CJOJQJ^JaJ h(h8NCJOJQJ^JaJjhRUmHnHu h(h8NhVh h(hGh(h(h8N5CJOJQJaJh CJOJQJaJh8NCJOJQJaJhHLCJOJQJaJh(hGCJOJQJaJh(h8NCJOJQJaJ!9:ac!Oz  l^l  l@&^lgd(   l^lgdgd8N  l^lgd8Nqu!$ORz ?Bz}   ܶܧr˧ܧܧfh CJOJQJaJh CJOJQJ^JaJh&CJOJQJaJhHLCJOJQJaJh(h&CJOJQJaJh(hGCJOJQJaJ(h(h&CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH h(hGCJOJQJ^JaJ h(h&CJOJQJ^JaJ#h(h&5CJOJQJ^JaJ"?z  mn~  2hb   l^l  l^lgd  l@&^lgd(  l^l/3mq~  25ghk bf1ⷫÐÐ }v h(hGh(h(h(CJOJQJaJh(hfMCJOJQJaJh CJOJQJaJh&CJOJQJaJhHLCJOJQJaJh(hGCJOJQJaJh(h&5CJOJQJaJh(h&CJOJQJaJh(hnTCJOJQJaJ.bcAC9RS! 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